Friday, July 10, 2009

An Update

Yes, I know it has been a long time since I posted anything. Apart from being quite busy over the last few weeks I really haven't been in the blogging mood so even if I did have time I usually didn't even think about it :) In the last couple of weeks since getting back to the states we have:
1) Moved all of our things into storage until we can move them into the apartment that we are renting
2) Moved Daniel, Whitney and Nate up here for the summer
3) Bought a truck (yeah I know I should've posted about it and put up pictures)
4) Gone to the H- family reunion
5) visited with my family (and got to celebrate Elise's 19'th birthday with her!!!)
6) Gotten cell phones (I have my very own!! Exciting I know:)
7) Curtiss has started working on some remodeling jobs (and will be looking for a more long term job)
8) Got a dog (who will live here in Steamburg after we move down the road) her name is "Momo"
9) and last but now least found a place to rent that should be available for us to move into on August 1'st.

There if that hasn't gotten you tired it sure has me. Like I said we have been busy with getting everything settled and it isn't slowing down any let me tell you.
Tomorrow we are celebrating Nate's first birthday (his birthday is actually on Wednesday but we are having the party tomorrow) so that will be fun.
I think that just about catching you up on what our last 3 weeks have been like, I think that the next couple will be a little bit slower (until moving time) but you never know :-)


Abbey said...

Wow!! There are a lot of picture-worthy things on that list!!lol!

Trina said...

Life is a whirlwind, sometimes, isn't it?
I can't believe we'll be moving into new places at the same time. that'll be fun.

Hope of Rahab said...

Hey!!!How are you Joanna?I put you on My Friends on my blog...:-P God bless you