Friday, March 5, 2010

Baby Things

OK, so I have held out as long as I can and have succumbed to the "Baby Prep" bug :)

Up until now I have thought that it would be too soon to start getting baby things out when I don't really have a place to put them without them taking up part of our living quarters which we need for actual living :) But now that I am in my third trimester and baby shower time coming up sooner rather than later I have been literally "forced" [ :) ] to see what I have (thanks to Daniel and Whitney being very generous with Nate's baby things) and what I still need.
I don't know if it was a good thing though since now I really want to start preparing, like setting up sleeping and play places about the house, and I really can't do that so I shall have to just content myself with washing and folding things and trying to figure out what else I absolutely have to have to raise a child properly :)


Anonymous said...

isn't it fun Joanna!!I really enjoyed nesting.So wonderful to imagine what he will look like in this outfit and that.Enjoy resting.Not much after baby comes:)

Rachel said...

Hooray! Exciting! :D Sure hope I get to see you sometime soon!

Matt,Shell,and lil' Benjamin. said...

OH so exciting!! Enjoy every minute cause you'll be too tired to do it after baby comes!

Naomi Joy said...

In my humble opinion, I would say you are all set to go in the "have to have to raise a child properly" category. :-)

Of course, when those three outfits get too small, you might be in trouble.

ha ha ha ha ha ha.

No, I was talking about the important stuff.

Elise said...

Awe... I really like the baseball one!