Tuesday, May 25, 2010


James Daniel Archer

Born on May 21'st 2010 at 3:45 in the afternoon.
Weight: 7 lbs 13 oz
Length: 19.5"
Head : 14.2"
Chest: 13.6"

I just wanted to share a picture with you all of my beautiful little boy and let you all know that we are both doing very well.
Labor couldn't have gone any smoother, there were no problems whatsoever.
Labor started at about 3am when my water broke and didn't stop until he was born just over 12 hours later. We were able to come home Sunday morning (they would've let us go Saturday night if Jimmy's circumcision had been done) and I have been feeling better each day and gaining my strength back. I must admit that I have felt "great" ever since labor stopped, it is so nice to be able to move without feeling like a hippopotamus and I can actually get close to the table when eating now too :)

I will try to get on here again sometime soon so that I can update you on other big changes in our lives, the Lord has been giving us many answers in the last couple of weeks but I just have not felt like blogging at all for some reason :) As I type this I am hoping that Curtiss is on his way back home, he left early yesterday morning so that he could go and look for a place for us to live in the Columbus, Ohio area. We had found a place online that we both really liked the look of (we actually drove right by it when we were in Ohio a couple of weeks ago) and when he saw it yesterday it was as good as we had hoped so today at noon he was going to be signing a lease agreement and then driving back. So yes, if some of you didn't know this does mean that we are going to be moving and soon. Curtiss has a job out there and now we have a home. So LOTS of big life changing things happening around here :) Like I said I will try and get on here and give more info some other time.
For now I just want to say "Welcome to the world my baby!"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

wait and trust... my thoughts...

"Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He will strengthen your heart:
Wait, I say, on the Lord."
~ Psalm 27:14 ~

I have discovered that a lot of life is spent waiting. When you are young you have to wait your turn to jump rope or play a game... As you grow older you have to start waiting for more important things, which also means it gets harder to wait for them. Life seems to go very quickly from waiting your turn to climb on the teeter-totter, to waiting to see who God is going to put on with you, to join you on life's big teeter-totter. And on this see-saw you spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting for a job, a closing on a house, or for a doctors diagnoses. How well do we trust during these times of waiting? I know I flounder... I know I have doubts... I know I have times when I say, " I don't want to wait anymore, somethin's gotta give!" It is at times like this that I read the Psalms and God gives me the above verse to read. How awesome is it that out of all the thousands of verses in the Bible, He leads us to the one that speaks to us at the exact time we needed it. So, to all of you that are in a season for waiting, "...be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart, wait, I say, Wait on the Lord."
just wait.