Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chapter 1...

Hello world wide web! As this is my first post I figure that I should share the reason for having a blog. This summer I am going to be traveling to Romania for three months and this is the best way for me to keep in touch with family and friends while I am gone. So my sister and I will be posting about everyday occurrences that will keep each other updated with the other's life. I will also try and post some things about the Romanian way of life and some of the things that I have to do or eat while staying there;) I hope that you all enjoy the things that we share as we live our lives! Thanks for reading!


MEAJASO said...

Thank YOU for starting a blog!!! I am so excited to read all about your time in Romania (even though I'm really going to miss you!)

Welcome to the world of blogging!

love you~ Sarah

Anja said...

Welcome to the blogging world!
I am looking forward to reading all about your adventures abroad and Else's adventures next door.

Naomi Joy said...

Woo-hoo! I think this is going to be one of my favorite blogs.

Alice said...

Wow, I can't believe that you actually got a blog! Hooray! Very nice picture, by the way.

Olivia Joy said...

Yay!! I'm so excited!!

La Brebis Roses said...

Yay! Blogs make me feel like I'm not so far away. :) I hope the same goes for you, Joanna. :) Love to you both.

Anonymous said...

Two thumbs up for a good start!

Trina said...

whoo-hoo! Looks good, girls!

Eh-hem, I think it's time for another post - do you want me to send you a copy of the photos I took of you today, so you can post them?

Anonymous said...

Hi, got sent over by Trina et. al. I have seen your pictures on their blog, so I feel like we have met at least once :) I look forward to hearing about your travel in Romania. Are you traveling just for fun, or do you have a specific reason?
Just wanted to add that my sisters and I sing that song all the time. I actually have friends that didn't know where it came from!!! *Sigh* Some people just don't watch the good movies :)
-Sarah Taylor (OREGON)

Traci said...

Hi! I too am excited to have another interesting blog to read.. This was a great idea!
