The Circling Rodent
Setting: a cold predawn winter day.
The Heroine- Yours Truly
The Hero- Valiant
The Villian- The Mouse
The day started like most others with Yours Truly working in the kitchen to get a good hot (well at least some of it was hot) breakfast for Valiant before he heads of to work. Everything was going well so Yours Truly decides that it would be ok to leave the food for a few minutes when suddenly she notices a quick movement on the floor not far from her feet.
She looks down and sees The Mouse frantically running in circles chasing it's tail. Yours Truly (relieved that it wasn't something worse then a mouse) stops for a moment observing this strange behavior in The Mouse, why in the world is it running in circles? and why isn't it running away? Were some of the things that quickly flitted through her mind. Then something else presented itself to her mind, What should I do now???
1. Cry out for Valiant to come and save her!
Problem he probably won't hear her as he is upstairs.
2. Just let The Mouse go free and forget about it. or
3. Catch The Mouse and then let Valiant deal with it.
Yours Truly picked the third option and after finding a handy bowl quickly plopped it on top of The Mouse placed a couple of heavy items on top and then went to tell Valiant about it.
He (after smiling and telling her to take a gun or knife and shoot or stab it) gets a pair of gloves, lifts the bowl and grabs The Mouse. He then throws The Mouse out the front door hoping that one of the cats will catch it:) The End
Seriously though this did happen this morning and all those things did run through my mind in the matter of seconds. Does every new bride have a "mouse" story? I have heard several and I was relieved when it was just a mouse as I have already in my life time almost stepped on a snake while walking down the hallway of our house (it was very little but still a snake) and had a rat hanging over the kitchen sink so the mouse was better in my mind then those but I still wasn't going to pick it up by the tail like Curtiss suggested:)
and to end with a question, why was the mouse running in circles??? Your guess is as good as mine.
LOL! That is so funny!! I have no idea why a mouse would be running in circles! Very odd indeed!!
Maybe it was practicing being a dog so that it would confuse the cats. Just a guess. ;)
You know my mouse story is actually a RAT story and involves a 22-shotgun used at close range under a kitchen drawer...
a well told tail - or, tale!
Another RAT story here. Only I heard the thing in the bedroom and sent my dear hubby (thus dubbed for Sarah's sake) to investigate the mouse in our room. He, of course obliged and got down on his knees to peer under our bed only to find himself nose to nose with a big albino rat.
I'm ashamed to say that our room was so crowded and messy that there were too many places for the thing to hide for a .22 to work in our case... after chasing it around for a while we finally set a rat trap and camped out in the livingroom until we heard it go off.
I'd prefer a cute mouse story.
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